Our unique molecular diagnostic method from blood sample to result in just a few steps
With the FluoGene® system, we offer you everything necessary to automate the entire workflow from blood sample to data analysis.
1. Extract the DNA of your blood samples with the fully automated BEXS 12 system.
2. Prepare and automate our FluoGene® tests with a multichannel pipette, e.g. Viaflo Assist or the new Opentron OT-2 pipetting robot.
3. Measure the reactions with our endpoint fluorescence reader FluoVista® or in our Real-time cycler FluoQube®.
4. With a few clicks, our FluoGene® software calculates a typing result for you automatically.
The advantages of the FluoGene® systems
Established TaqMan® method.
Developed in close collaboration with immunohematology reference laboratories.
Low DNA consumption.
Ready-to-use kits consisting of FluoMix, PCR plates with primer probes and optical sealing foils.
Highest safety due to barcoded tests and closed system.
Runs flexibly on our endpoint fluorescence reader FluoVista® and Real-time cycler FluoQube®
User-friendly software with fully automated result calculation.
Same system incl. software for HLA, RBC and HPA.
All products are CE IVD marked (outside USA & Canada) and are manufactured and tested under a DIN EN ISO 13485 certified quality system.
Find here our FluoGene® products for transplantation and transfusion diagnostics:
Transplant diagnostics
Transfusions diagnostics