10th International Blood Group Forum

Date: November 4th/5th 2024
Location: Innside Hotel Frankfurt Ostend

Speakers and topics:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Gassner
Private University in the Principality of Liechtenstein, Triesen
“Chimera and Mosaics – Biological Phenomena Leading to Mixed-Field-Agglutination in ABO and RhD”
Dr. Romy Kronstein-Wiedemann
German Red Cross North-East , Dresden, Germany
“miRNAs – New players in the regulation of ABO blood group antigen”
Prof. Dr. Peter Bugert
German Red Cross, Mannheim, Germany
“Regulation of Gene Expression – From Basic Mechanisms to Blood Group Phenotypes”
Dr. Vanja Crew
International Blood Group Reference Laboratory, NHS Blood and Transplant, UK
“Problem Solving Immunohaematological Puzzles; the Use of Genetic Methods in a
Tertiary Reference Laboratory”
Dr. Frederik Banch Clausen
Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
“Noninvasive Fetal RHD Genotyping in D negative, Pregnant Women”
Dr. Nicholas Gleadall
University of Cambridge, UK
“Blood Group Genomics and Precision Blood Matching”
Dr. Celina Montemayor
Canadian Blood Services, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
“Blood group genetic diversity in Canada: clinical challenges”
Dr. Vicky Van Sandt
Belgian Red Cross Flanders – HILA, Mechelen, Belgium
“Challenging inno-train: RBC-NGStype“
Dr. Yann Fichou
Établissement français du sang (EFS) – Brest, France
“Molecular epidemiology of the RH blood group system: our contribution to the
current knowledge”
Dr. Jan Konietzka
inno-train Diagnostik GmbH, Kronberg, Germany
“Experiences in NGS for Blood Group Genotyping”
Round Table Discussion
10th Blood Group Forum